Officially back from Tennessee. Officially into the holiday season. Thanksgiving is over….now on to Christmas and New Years….crazy to think about it! Can you believe it is already December?!?! I hope you had a fantastic Thankgiving! Mine was awesome. We had so much fun in Tennessee with Donny’s family and we got a lot of Cathy-and-Jay-time, which was awesome.
We started Thanksgiving off by, of course, going through all the gigantic fliers showing all the wonderful Black Friday shopping deals! For lunch, we had not one, not two, but THREE different turkeys! I know, seems a bit overboard for 9 people but Donny wanted to cook his in the oven and Jay wanted to smoke one and put the other in the rotisserie. Honestly, I’m not even mad about three turkeys. I love turkey so having a ton of leftovers was A-OK with me. All three of them were delicious by the way.
After lunch, Donny & I took the kiddos out for a walk and then played some card games. A bunch of stores opened at 6pm on Thanksgiving night so we decided to go out and see how busy everything was. We went to Target first and it was, surprisingly, not that busy. We decided to go in and see what this whole shopping thing was about! It was busy but not overwhelming. Cathy said that their Target in Jackson was generally pretty efficient, and they definitely had it goin’ on that night.
Target is one of those places that makes me spend WWWAAAAYYYYY too much money (see above eCard). Way too much money on things that I, most likely, do not need. This happened to be the case that night as well. We bought 4 movies, Season 1 & Season 2 of House of Cards, some sweatshirts/sweaters for Donny, two sweaters for me, a sports bra, several Christmas gifts for the kids, and the best part, a Christmas outfit for Doug. It is suppose to make him look like a reindeer with Santa sitting on him…. basically, it is amazing.
We then went to Ulta and Best Buy. I picked out my birthday present too (it is not until January). I want a FitBit but I want the FitBit Charge HR. It is a FitBit with all the original bells and whistles, but the HR keeps track of your heart rate. They don’t come out until early 2015 so I put it on my birthday-wish-list!
Anyway, enough about shopping. I was sick a few days before I left for Tennessee so I didn’t make it to the gym. The odd part about pink eye is that you are contagious (so in my case, cannot go to work) yet don’t feel that sick. I ended up doing the “500” the day I stayed home from work. The 500 consists of 10 different exercises and you do 10 reps of each exercise. Then you repeat each round 5 times, which means you do 500 reps total.
On Thanksgiving Day I wanted to get my heart rate up but didn’t have a gym or much time so I went to my wonderful friend Pinterest for some advice. I had just done the 500 a couple days before so I wanted to change it up a little. I tend to Pin certain workouts for days I don’t want to go to the gym, days I cannot go to the gym (aka pink eye days) or, in this case, on vacation. It actually came in very handy this time.
I had not tried this particular one, but I really enjoyed it. As you can see, the reps “pyramid” up in the number of reps and then come back down. Every move on the list is a body weight exercise so it is challenging, yet you don’t need any equipment. To be 100% honest I didn’t know what a “pike pushup” was (the 8th thing on the list), so I did deltoid pushups instead… I assume they are somewhat similar, if not the same thing.
If you have more time or want to really challenge yourself, then try for 5 rounds total. I was still not 100% after being sick and I wanted to have more family time, so I only did three rounds.
What is your go-to workout when you cannot get to the gym?
crazy talk
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