Have you heard of Bountiful Baskets? It is a food coop program and you purchase a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables. You don’t know ahead of time what will come in the basket, but it is 50% fruit and 50% vegetables. I have bought one a few times now and I love them. In my basket I’ve had grapes, apples, oranges, pears, avocados, potatoes, squash, carrots, romaine, celery, green onions, bok choy, jicima, etc. [Read more…]
Low-Carb Mexican Stuffed Peppers
First of all, I had a blast in Austin over the weekend! I found out I cannot drink like I could 4 years ago when we started these girls trip. However, I did get to hang out with the gals, consumed my fair share of alcohol and ate at quite a few food trucks. Success. I did in fact take and actually use a new compact digital camera. I will go through my pictures and share them with you soon! [Read more…]
Caprese Quinoa Bake
I have officially had my Fitbit Charge HR for more than one week now and one of my favorite things to do in the morning is check out how I slept. It tracks my sleep and tells me what time I went to sleep, what time I woke up, when and how many times I woke up throughout the night, and also when and how long I was restless throughout the night. [Read more…]
Citrusy Quinoa Salad
I must confess, Donny & I still have our Christmas light up (*gasp*). I know, right?! It is almost St. Patrick’s Day and we have not taken down our Christmas lights! What is wrong with us….Hahaha we have 1) not made it a priority 2) every weekend we have actually been home seems to have been freezing or windy and nasty 3) we have not made it a priority. Oh adult responsibilities.
I probably could have taken them down myself while Donny was out of town, but I was slightly scared that I would fall off the ladder. Let’s be real honest….Doug would not be very helpful if I fell off that ladder so I decided to postpone it yet another week. Dear neighbors, I promise we will take them down this weekend! Saturday is suppose to be in the 70s and Sunday in the 80s. We will get them down! [Read more…]
Kale-Brussels Sprouts Salad
Oh man, have you heard Taylor Swift’s new song “Blank Space”? I am addicted. It is so catchy and so good. I mean, it’s Taylor Swift so why should I expect anything less…but if you have not heard it, then listen here. I turned Pandora on before I got started on the treadmill this morning and the first song to play on my Pop Fitness station was: Blank Space. I had to legitimately keep myself from singing out loud to the song….it was difficult, but I bet those other gym-goers appreciated my silence. So basically what I am saying is…you’re welcome gym-buddies. [Read more…]
Spaghetti Squash with Vegetables
Happy Monday! We have been crazy busy at work the last few weeks…well basically all of September! I finally got some much-needed R&R this last weekend. It was fantastic. Plus…. tomorrow is September 30th meaning it is almost October! I love October!!! I am pretty sure it is my favorite month of the year. Football is in full swing, the leaves start changing, it becomes completely appropriate to have pumpkin-flavored things at EVERY meal! I have slowly started making a few pumpkin-recipes and I will be sharing those with you soon…… [Read more…]