Yesterday was a very productive day for me. I went to bed fairly early Saturday night so I woke up about 6:30am. Donny partied a little bit (maybe a lotta bit) so I had about four hours all to myself to get things done. The surprising thing was that Doug even stayed in bed until about 10:30am! He rarely does that…. [Read more…]
White Chicken Chili with Sweet Potatoes
Another weekend gone. They seem to fly by waaaay too quick sometimes. I took it very easy Friday night. I messed around in the kitchen for a while making nut & seed bars (post headed your way soon). I didn’t want to do anything too crazy because I knew Saturday would be a long day getting ready for the museum dinner for the Heritage Foundation.
Let’s just say it was a long day. [Read more…]
Baked Ziti with Turkey & Zucchini
It is officially April and a couple days away from Easter and guess what?! We have snow!!! I love spring here in Colorado… I mean 80 degrees one day, snowing and 40 degrees the next. Crazy. It’s like Mother Nature is on a hormonal roller coaster! Just cannot make up her mind.
Today is Good Friday and I love Good Friday! We get all the major holidays off of work but don’t get many other days as paid holidays. We do get Good Friday though! I never thought much about that until the first year I worked at Media Logic and noticed that other people still had to work. The banks are even open! That’s the only holiday that we don’t work and other people do! It’s usually the other way around…’s the little joys in life, right?! I also apologize for gloating if you have to work on Good Friday. [Read more…]
Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Bites
Did you watch the Oscars last night?! I did not. Want to know why? Because Donny & I decided to watch 45 episodes of Orange is the New Black. Ok, 45 might be a bit of an exaggeration, but we did watch OITNB all day yesterday. It is just such an awesome show! It has very dry humor throughout it, but also has a lot of drama and suspense. I love it.
Donny suggested that I watch it while he was gone on his last trip so I assumed he had seen Season 1. I watched all of Season 1 and then a few episodes of Season 2. When he got home he informed me that he had only seen like 3-4 episodes…. whoops! He had some catching up to do. He is now caught up to me so we can start watching episodes I haven’t seen yet! There goes my free time…. if only I had self-control! [Read more…]
Brussels Sprouts with Spicy Sausage
Brussels sprouts seem to get a bad rap. They are such a wonderful vegetable I just think people don’t always know how to make them. Soft, mushy Brussels sprouts = gross. Crispy, but still tender Brussels sprouts = delicious! I think the key to Brussels sprouts is how you cook them. [Read more…]
Turkey Meatballs
We definitely live in beef country here in northeast Colorado, but I happened to have turkey on hand! You could make this recipe using lean ground beef or even ground chicken.
I was craving spaghetti and meatballs for dinner so I headed to Pinterest to find some recipes to start with. I am still new to recipe-creation so I look to other recipes for a basic idea and then tweek the recipe to our personal preferences. I found one I liked at called “Power Meatballs”. I was a newby to this blog, but I will have to go check it out again! [Read more…]
Mediterranean Chicken Pizza
The USDA did a study on pizza consumption and well, they found out that Americans eat a lot of pizza. Is anyone shocked by this?! I for one, am not. I love pizza. I would much rather make my own so that I know exactly what is in it. Donny & I threw this pizza together rather quickly the other night. We cheated and bought an already-made whole wheat pizza crust from Target. Probably not the healthiest crust ever, but definitely not the worst either. One of these days I will tackle making my own whole wheat crust…… [Read more…]
Smoked Chicken Lettuce Wraps
This is by far one of my favorite meals and it also happens to be one of the easiest! Perfect. Lettuce wraps are so refreshing and they can be made using whatever ingredients you already have. You can even use leftovers from a different meal to make these. I am telling you, the possibilities are endless.
Donny & I got the idea to make our own lettuce wraps after we ate at La Sandia Cantina in Denver. It is one of Richard Sandoval’s many restaurants and he really caters to gluten free. You can get tacos and fajitas in lettuce wraps instead of tortillas. They are amazing! [Read more…]