First of all, I had a blast in Austin over the weekend! I found out I cannot drink like I could 4 years ago when we started these girls trip. However, I did get to hang out with the gals, consumed my fair share of alcohol and ate at quite a few food trucks. Success. I did in fact take and actually use a new compact digital camera. I will go through my pictures and share them with you soon! [Read more…]
These are a few of my favorite things…..that are NOT food & fitness!
As much as I love exercising, clean eating, and creating recipes, I do enjoy doing other things in my free time. Shocking I know…. But I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite things to do when I am not cooking, food prepping, working out, etc.
Beer Tasting. I love trying new beers. I love going to breweries and on brewery tours. I like quite a few different beers, but my go-to when picking a beer off a list is a brown ale. I am, surprisingly, also intrigued usually by stouts and will choose those occasionally if some of the ingredients look appealing.
(Lindsey & I — Green Bay, WI) [Read more…]
Strawberry Almond Protein Smoothie
We finally had a weekend with no commitments! I’m telling you, that’s pretty rare in our lives. I did have a Lions Club spaghetti dinner on Friday night (yes, I’m in Lions Club – in fact, I’m the President!). We have members of our club make/buy desserts for everyone to enjoy instead of buying them through the club and taking away from the total profit. [Read more…]
Caprese Quinoa Bake
I have officially had my Fitbit Charge HR for more than one week now and one of my favorite things to do in the morning is check out how I slept. It tracks my sleep and tells me what time I went to sleep, what time I woke up, when and how many times I woke up throughout the night, and also when and how long I was restless throughout the night. [Read more…]
Snickerdoodle Energy Bites
Two things I am loving right now: cucumber in my water (enough said) and my new Fitbit.
Donny won earned quite a bit of money in Blackhawk this last weekend! He has been on a roll playing Blackjack. I’m diggin’ it…. I don’t gamble but I am great support emotionally and comedically (is that even a word?!?!).
Last week he came up to me and said “want to know when it’s time to get new tennis shoes?” Of course I did…. he said “when they do this….” and showed me one of his tennis shoes that had a 4 inch hole across the side of it. Yeah, I’d say it’s time for a new pair of shoes! I like buying shoes too much to let myself go that long without buying a new pair. He bought that pair probably two years ago and wears them a lot so probably time to retire them. By retire, I mean throw in the trash. Those cannot even be donated. Just trash them. [Read more…]
Baked Ziti with Turkey & Zucchini
It is officially April and a couple days away from Easter and guess what?! We have snow!!! I love spring here in Colorado… I mean 80 degrees one day, snowing and 40 degrees the next. Crazy. It’s like Mother Nature is on a hormonal roller coaster! Just cannot make up her mind.
Today is Good Friday and I love Good Friday! We get all the major holidays off of work but don’t get many other days as paid holidays. We do get Good Friday though! I never thought much about that until the first year I worked at Media Logic and noticed that other people still had to work. The banks are even open! That’s the only holiday that we don’t work and other people do! It’s usually the other way around…’s the little joys in life, right?! I also apologize for gloating if you have to work on Good Friday. [Read more…]
Chest & Triceps + Drop Sets
We were back at it today for bootcamp! Jodi took the week off for spring break, but also to move all her stuff into the new building! The building we were in didn’t have air conditioning and this new one does. Our group didn’t have a big problem with heat because our class is at 5:00 in the morning, but those gals that go to the 11:00am or noon class…yikes. I bet it was so hot in the summer! [Read more…]
Single-Serving Blueberry-Peach French Toast
I have really been kicking my own butt in the gym this week! Since we are off of bootcamp for a week I decided to change up my workout routine a little bit. I am lifting more days per week than usual and focusing on certain body parts each day. For example, Monday was legs, Tuesday was chest and triceps, etc. It has me so. dang. sore.
What really got me sore was on Monday I did a pretty big leg workout and did glute-ham raises as one of my exercises and I know those get my hamstrings super sore. I also did a pretty killer chest and tricep workout on Tuesday. I’ll have to post that later but I incorporated drop sets into the chest workout – which I loved! [Read more…]
Back-Bicep Workout
I sometimes wish that all jobs had spring break. Do you agree? It is spring break for the Fort Morgan School District and I certainly want a whole week off to relax. Maybe I’ll put a good word in with the boss……
This weekend seriously flew by…I cannot believe it is almost Monday again. We had a great time but it was super busy. We went to see Garth Brooks in Denver on Friday night. Man, he is amazing!!! One of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. He is definitely an entertainer…running and jumping around on stage. It was impressive. We went to Euclid Hall in Denver before the concert for dinner and drinks. It is a really cool place downtown. Check it out if you ever get the chance. [Read more…]
Citrusy Quinoa Salad
I must confess, Donny & I still have our Christmas light up (*gasp*). I know, right?! It is almost St. Patrick’s Day and we have not taken down our Christmas lights! What is wrong with us….Hahaha we have 1) not made it a priority 2) every weekend we have actually been home seems to have been freezing or windy and nasty 3) we have not made it a priority. Oh adult responsibilities.
I probably could have taken them down myself while Donny was out of town, but I was slightly scared that I would fall off the ladder. Let’s be real honest….Doug would not be very helpful if I fell off that ladder so I decided to postpone it yet another week. Dear neighbors, I promise we will take them down this weekend! Saturday is suppose to be in the 70s and Sunday in the 80s. We will get them down! [Read more…]
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